Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yoga and Freestyle Dance

Yoga and Freestyle Dance class on Fridays at the Antigua Centre! Every Friday at 5 pm. Starting May 7th. Come and join!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Like a Painting

I know I haven't written in a long, long time. I have so much to tell, but now let me restart with this photo that I took this morning when I got to Panza Verde, my favorite place in Antigua, where I practice Yoga. So I arrived and saw this girl sitting there and i was mesmerized for a few minutes, I was just taking in this unreal-looking scene that was present, right in front of me. And then I realized that i had my camera with me and the mother gave me permission to take a picture and here it is, this is what it looked like.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Moving to the Callejon del Burrito

The past few weeks past by so fast that they felt like a few days ... as I was moving in to a beautiful big house on El Callejon del Burrito (alley of the little donkey ; ), running around Antigua and Guatemala city to buy furniture, preparing for the orientation that we have planned for the Ixtatan Foundation, hosting two of their future teachers in our house, celebrating Christmas and the New Year's Eve then welcoming Greg and his family who are going to live in the house, in the upstairs room for a month (that may last for six rather than one) - meanwhile getting ready for the yoga teacher's training.
Here are a few photos from these days ...

El callejon del Burrito

The garden and the "bucaro"

With Annie and Chris and Rae after a yoga class

New Year's Eve

New Year

Dear All,
I wish you a very Happy New Year! I also wish we have a decade where we'll find more peace, more sharing and more love!
I celebrated the new year in Antigua, where one my favorite things to do is watching the formations of the smoke that Volcan Fugeo continuously puffs out from somewhere deep inside of the Earth.
Love, Lilla